fin area造句

"fin area"是什么意思   


  1. The rudder was horn-balanced and the fin area generous.
  2. These tests also revealed a lack of directional stability : Mitchell accordingly enlarged the fin area.
  3. The fin area was increased with a curved leading edge and the elevator trailing edge straightened.
  4. A large fin area was required by the deep-sided forward fuselage, and a pod and boom fuselage.
  5. Extra fin area is provided by a long strake on the lower fuselage, extending aft to the tailwheel.
  6. It's difficult to find fin area in a sentence. 用fin area造句挺难的
  7. They're not going to be looking inside that fin area, they're going to be looking for obvious damage.
  8. Fin area was increased by the replacement of the central surface by two fins almost at the tips of the tailplane.
  9. Changes were made to the design of the tail unit including fitting a dorsal fin and increasing the fin area to improve the flying qualities.
  10. As a result of early test results, fin area was increased; a major redesign of the tail unit was requested by John Parker and implemented at considerable cost.
  11. Later it returned as a landplane to test the now airworthy Jupiter XF, at the same time having its fin area reduced by a narrower, straight edged surface.
  12. To avoid ventilation in the fin area, flaps or steeped bottoms were used, the latter becoming the more widely adopted practice due to its durability and ease of use.
  13. For the first six months there was no conformity in the width or height of the stripes and they were painted to cover as much of the fin area as possible.
  14. In October the 490 crashed on take off due to fuel starvation, though it was not badly damaged, and Lat閏o鑢e took the opportunity to increase the fin area during the repairs.
  15. Analysis concluded that the accident was caused by a combination of failure of the propeller feathering mechanism, high drag to the landing gear, small fin area, asymmetric thrust and limited engine power.
  16. Unlike the similarly powered J / 1N Alpha, the Adventurer retained the smaller tail surfaces of the Autocrat, the new engine being set back sufficiently far for the original fin area to remain sufficient.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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